Thursday, November 15, 2007

Third Person Thursday courtesy of Chazz Johnson

Chad Johnson (Here looking like a cross between Bobby Brown and Simon Phoenix) is legend for his td celebrations.
Well, he also likes to bring it when it comes to refering to himself like he is one of his friends:
Everything I've done has always been positive, it's always been fun," said Johnson. "It's never been a "me, me, me" thing. It's how Chad plays the game. We knew that before Chad got here. I've been playing it the same way the past four years. I celebrate. I have fun with it. It is a dirty business. And to get the business side of it off my mind, I go out and have fun with it like I'm a little kid. That's all it is. It's the NFL. But I'm playing like it's the back yard. And I'm wrong because I'm not the norm?"
Thank you Chad Johnson for keeping the front tuck alive.